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building a ​community ​of inclusion

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about SARA aka ​SJ CHILDS

Sara Bradford is an Autistic woman and advocate and is the CEO of SJ Childs LLC, an autism consulting business to support families. She is a member of the Autism Council of Utah and also the owner of FB Autism Advocates Support Group. She is a mother of 2, and her husband and kids are also on the autism spectrum. She is a Global Autism Speaker, as well as a Podcast Host-The SJ Childs Show Podcast.

Inclusion Kindness
non profit organization

Omg it's official! 501(c)(3) charity

SJ Childs Global Network


Connecting neurodivergent individuals, ​families, and service providers with one ​another online and in their local ​communities.

donations here

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Event was very well planned and put ​together as well as comfortably hosted ​by Sara, ensuring technical difficulties ​could not stop this fabulous show! I was ​very pleased with the engagement ​during the event and ease of access/low ​response effort to join the stream; ​despite any momentary tech glitches. ​Well done, it was a powerful summit ​indeed!


are in!

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This event went ​well, everyone ​had a fabulous ​presentation

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consulting & training

  • School Training/Speaking

  • Business Training

  • Emergency Responder Training


GITHUB Professional Autism Training

Provided professional Autism Training for Microsoft's Github Employees


Training for educators and administrators on Inclusion and Diversity

West Valley City Police Dept

1 in 44 Tour virtual autism summit

Autism Safety summit 2022

Emergency Responder Training for Autism and Invisible Disabilities

2nd annual summit the 1 in 36 mix 2023

international autism summit 2024

3rd annual 1 in 36 mix ii virtual autism summit 2024

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about SJ CHILDS-​The Author

She continues to strengthen her community through local university and police training, corporate autism training programs, and more. Sara is a children's book author, pen name SJ Childs. Subjects such as autism, dyslexia, physical differences, anxiety, and more. Helping children understand themselves and support their peers with neurodiverse needs. Encouraging love and inclusion in every situation.

sj childs books for children

reader eric

Read the ​reviews

5 out of 5 stars- Ausome Autism Book for children and families. Autism is unique for everyone, this book helps readers understand how to understand and support someone with autism.

REader bill

Reader michele

5 out of 5 stars- My 5-year-old daughter chooses this book regularly for bedtime stories. She said she likes the vibrant colors and the story of DJ.

I appreciate the extra autism resources after the story. I am grateful SJ Childs is writing books representing children with disabilities. It’s so needed.



(801) 809-4541


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